


Rainforest and Introduction to Festivals Around the World: November 6-10

It was weather perfect for our autumn park play. It was windy and we made a make-shift kite with a plastic bags! The gingko trees and their golden carpet of leaves were great fun too. We tossed them about in wind. Rainforest figured out the wind direction, and learned a new term ‘wind direction’. They were calling out: Where’s the wind direction? Where do I stand? It’s flying. Like a balloon!

とてもよい天気の中、秋の公園で楽しく遊びました。風が吹いていたので凧あげをやりたいという声に、その場でビニール袋の凧を作りました!イチョウの木と黄金色の葉の絨毯もきれいでした。子ども達は、葉っぱを投げて、風向きを確認しました。「風向き」という新しい言葉を覚えました。 「風向きはどっち?」「どこに立てばいいの?」「飛んでるよ。風船みたい!」思い思いに色づく秋の公園を楽しみました。

Rainforest had an overview of the different kinds of festivals, celebrations and holidays around the world. We read the names of the festivals, looked at the photographs and pictures for clues about how they are celebrated. Family and friends, gifts, good luck, lights, giving were words and images that appeared consistently. There were festivals from countries like India, China, America, Africa, Brazil. We read a RAZ information book “Holidays Around the World”.


We used a flow chart to help us shortlist the festivals we liked so far. From information shared this week, prior knowledge and past experiences, Rainforest gave reasons for each of the shortlisted festivals. I like Christmas… Santa gives me presents. We can share things. I can eat chicken. I like Diwalibecause of the decorations. I like the lights. I like the demon story. Then we voted for two featured festivals that we want to learn more about – Christmas and Chinese New Year!

Rainforest reviewed high frequency words like was, she, that, with have. We had a spelling quiz, and tried spelling and writing them down. We reviewed 42 words so far from the coloured groups golden, red, and blue. Great job! We continued with Green Words (16) and played Green Bingo.


フォニックスの時間は、was、she、that、haveなどの頻出単語を復習しました。スペリングクイズも行い、スペルを言ったり、書いたりしました。golden、red、blueの頻出単語の色グループから、これまでに42単語を復習しました。がんばったね!それから、Green Words (16)とGreen Bingoで遊びました。

With a heavy heart, we say Goodbye S! You have been a sunshine in our class. We will miss you so much! Safe journey home and all the best. You will be great in whatever you do!


Till next week, Rainforest, have a wonderful weekend. 良い週末をお過しください。

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