
Shimauchi Preschool


More guests! – Savanna 12/4 – 12/8

The Savanna class can’t just get over inquiring about celebrations worldwide. After inquiring about different celebrations worldwide, the Savanna class reviewed all the facts and tried to spot the similarities and differences between these events.


One of the events we have compared with each other was the New Year Celebration. To get more information about this event, we invited more guest speakers, but this time, they did not come physically but virtually! They talked about how they celebrate New Year in their country. Mr. Thapelo from South Africa shared that Christmas in their country falls in the Summer season, so they have a BBQ party to celebrate, while Mr. John from America, shared that New Year is not a big deal in their country, family gathers together to eat dinner and watch the countdown held in New York on television and sleep! Also, we had a guest speaker from France, Mr. Lionel. He said that in France, New Year is not for family for the most part, but for friends. They party a lot the whole night on Dec 31st and sleep on January 1st.

その中のひとつ、「新年のお祝い」について日本と世界のお祝いを比較をしました。イベントについてより多くの情報を得るため、3人のゲストスピーカーを招き、それぞれの国でどのように新年を祝うかについて話してもらいました。3人のゲストには、スクールに来てもらうのではなく、バーチャルでサバンナの教室に登場してもらいました!南アフリカ出身のMr Thapelo(ISN五常キャンパス勤務)は、クリスマスシーズンは夏の季節にあたるので、バーベキューパーティーでお祝いするのだと話してくれました。一方、アメリカ出身のJonさんは、自国では新年はそれほど大きな行事ではなく、家族が集まって夕食を食べ、ニューヨークで行われるカウントダウンをテレビで見て寝るのだと話してくれました。フランスからのゲストスピーカー、リオネルさんも登場してくれました。フランスでは新年は家族のためではなく、友人のためのものだといいます。12月31日は一晩中パーティーをして、1月1日は寝るんだそうです。

It was a nice experience listening to different ways people celebrate New Year and compare them to how we celebrate in Japan.


In Phonics, we explored words that fall under /op/ family. This time, the style was changed since everybody could read words already: Flashcards were given to the students to read. Then, we all think and guess what family the words fall. Our Savanna students are not just fond of reading but also writing! We are all excited to dive deeper and hone our reading and writing skills more.


The whole campus is very busy preparing for the biggest event of the year in our school, The Christmas Show. We can’t wait to showcase, once again, our talent and best performance to our families and friends!

キャンパス内は、年に一度のビックイベント、クリスマスショーに向けて大忙しです。自分たちが出来る最高のパフォーマンスを、家族に披露することをとても楽しみにしています♫ 台詞やピアニカの練習など、いつもご支援ありがとうございます。

Till the next blog!

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Savanna / More guests! – Savanna 12/4 – 12/8