
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Meadow:Clean clothes, happy life! (December 18th~22nd)

Greetings to you all. Welcome to Meadow’s last blog of 2023! The next time we meet again will be in the new year; 2024 ! We basically spent the whole week enjoying some outdoor fun and taking things easy.


Giraffe park!
We visited a park near Minami Matsumoto Nursery for the first time! There were giraffes imbedded on the play structures and an independent dog structure as well as an elephant water fountain! All the students were able to point and say,”giraffe, elephant, dog!” Kuddos to you for remembering the animal names you learnt a few months back!


南松本保育園の近くにある公園にはじめて遊びに行きました!キリンの滑り台、ジャングルジムや、犬の遊具、ゾウの水飲み場がありました!子どもたちはみんな、指をさして “giraffe、elephant、dog!”と言うことができました。数ヶ月前に習った動物の名前をよく覚えていたね!

Laundry, laundry, laundry

For our CLOTHES topic, we did a fun craft on Tuesday afternoon. Laundry is something we all have to deal with in our daily lives whether we like it or not. So in the spirit of teaching the students the importance of maintaining cleanliness, we did our own laundry and hung it out to dry under the sunny sky. The students had to remove double sided tape that was at the back of the clothes and then ‘hang it on the washing line.’ There was a handkerchief, pants, a pair of socks and a t-shirt. We hope the activity also instilled in them a sense of appreciation to mommy and daddy for always keeping their clothes clean. Clean clothes, happy life!


Phonics and the letter P

This week during morning circle time we were taught words that begin with the letter p. These are penguin, panda, pillow, pan and pizza. In January 2024 we move on to the next three letters; r,s and t!


Last emergency drill

On Thursday morning we had an emergency drill. This time it was unannounced and we didn’t have to evacuate the building. The teacher merely explained to us what we have to do when we encounter a natural disaster such as an earthquake. No one cried and everyone hid under the tables calmly. Good job Meadow!

木曜日の朝地震を想定した避難訓練がありました。非常ベルの音を聞くとすかさずテーブルの下に入り、誰も泣くことなく、みんな落ち着いて頭を守ることが出来ました。今回は外へは避難せずに、お部屋の中で非難するときのルール「お、は、し、も」を確認しました。よくできたね、Meadow さん!

Birthday party

This month’s birthday party was somewhat special since everyone knew it was the last one they would ever have in 2023. Aurora’s Ms. Sayuri was in charge this month and she did a magic show! After that a few teachers gave a mickey mouse anthem music performance and the kids loved it.


As we approach the end of 2023, let’s take some time to reflect upon our achievements and struggles. Let’s be thankful for the experiences we had, both good and bad. 2024 is another chance to start afresh. A heartfelt thank you to all our students’ parents and guardians. Your support kept us going the whole year. Enjoy the holidays and we look forward to seeing you again after the winter break.


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Meadow / Meadow:Clean clothes, happy life! (December 18th~22nd)