


Meadow: Family is where life begins and love never ends (Jan 29th~Feb 2nd)

Hi all!
We are most grateful to all the Meadow parents for attending Monday’s open day. I’m sure you were all impressed by your children’s growth. Compared to the very first open day we had in 2023, there definitely has been a huge improvement in every individual member of Meadow class!


First time doing a craft with our parents
Our mommies and daddies helped us make a demon’s face for setsubun. We listened to Ms.Rieko’s instructions first and then we dived right into it. When the craft activity time ended we pretended that it was setsubun and we threw balls at the demons to drive away misfortune and to invite good fortune into our lives. The teachers were a bit worried that some Meadow friends would be terrified of the ‘demons’ and cry but we are pleased to announce that no one cried. Everyone was very brave!


Outside play and park

After the activities planned for open day were finished, we headed out to play in the school yard. The section of the schoolyard that used to be a garden is very muddy these days due to the melting frost pillars and the recent precipitation. Some Meadow friends love playng with this mud and pretending that it’s chocolate.



February’s topic is FAMILY and we started learning vocabulary associated with family on Thursday. The words we have been taught so far are mom,dad, grandpa, grandma, brother and sister.



For this week’s phonics lesson we learnt words that begin with the letters u and v. These are unzip, umpire,upset, unhappy, viper, vest,volcano, valves,vinegar, vanilla and vacation. We will continue reviewing these words over the next two weeks.

今週のフォニックスレッスンでは、uとvで始まる単語を学びました。unzip, umpire, upset, unhappy, viper, vest, volcano, valves, vinegar, vanilla, vacationです。今後2週間、これらの単語の復習を続けます。


Ms.Airi gave us lots of opportunities to run during gym lesson! There is a reason why it is said that running releases more than just sweat. Everyone was all smiles as they ran as fast as they could!


Drizzly morning

On Thursday it drizzled a bit so we were not able to go to the park as per our weekly schedule. We went to a spacious room and enjoyed playing with balloons,hoola hoops, balls and did a “crawling through the tunnel” game.



Enjoy your weekend and come back well rested and ready for a new week!

Below are the links to the songs we sang and danced to this week.



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