
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Meadow and Rainbow July 9-13

To beat the heat, we have prepared cool pools in the school yard. Our children LOVE the water play! 💗 A big thank you to our fellow colleagues for setting up the pool daily. To Parents too for washing and bringing the children’s swim gear daily 🙂
今週はいよいよプール開きとなりました。子供たちはみんな水遊びが大好きです! 💗毎日準備してくれている先生方に感謝しながら楽しんでいます。そしてお家の方々も毎日の準備、有難うございます。
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For the past week, Meadow and Rainbow had been busy with their little hands practising their “fine motor skills”. Many of your child’s daily activities like getting dressed and eating require control of small (fine) muscles in the hands. 🖐🏼 We call these skills fine motor skills. 
In Meadow class, activities like kneading, rolling playdough; and pinching, sprinkling glitters for craft help develop fine motor skills in our very young children. This prepares them for later years when they use pencils for writing and scissors for cutting.
ここ数週間MeadowとRainbowクラスでは”fine motor skills”(指先の運動機能)の発達を促すような活動に取り組んできました。毎日の生活には衣類の着脱や食事などたくさんの事が指先の発達に関係しています。このような機能を英語で”fine motor skills”と言います。
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Please see link below for fine motor skills activities to try at home. There is also a recipe for homemade playdough.
Meadow had fun indoors too with balloons during those rainy mornings. White and black were the colours we learned.
Meadowクラスでは雨の日風船を使った活動もしました。今週のカラーはWhite と blackです。
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On a final reflective note, we are thankful that Matsumoto has been spared from the devastating floods. Our heartfelt sympathies to families in Hiroshima and other areas in Japan affected by the floods. 😔💐

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Meadow / Meadow and Rainbow July 9-13