


Making Good Choices to be Happy and Safe! Milky Way 4/15-4/19

We are Milky Way students! We are preschoolers!


In our UOI, Milky Way students learned that in ISN they are the Preschoolers, Shooting Star class is Kindergarten 2, Aurora is Kindergarten 1, and Rainbow and Meadow are Nursery students. It’s too early but some of them are already excited to be in elementary school or grade one.

UOIレッスンで、ISNではミルキーさんをPreschoolers、シューティングさんをKindergarten 2、オーロラさんをKindergarten 1、レインボーさんとメドーさんをNurseryだということを学びました。とても早いですが、もう小学1年生になることを楽しみにしている子もいます😊

Who We Are


Central Idea: Making responsible choices helps us to achieve good health and wellbeing.


LOI1: Good choices as preschoolers improve our health and wellbeing. (Responsibility)


Upon observing them in the first week of being Milky Way students, we noticed the things they have to work on or improve in school as the eldest students and to be a role model to younger kids. We started inside the classroom. What are good choices to be happy and safe in the classroom? In the reading area, we share the book with friends, we sit together on the cushion, we take turns, we return the books properly, we don’t climb up the shelves, and we don’t open the windows by ourselves. In the blocks area, we play nicely, we don’t break the toys, we share toys, we take turns, we don’t step on the toys, and we clean up after using them. Making these good choices make everyone happy and safe in the classroom. There is more to talk about inside the classroom and we will continue the discussion next week.


Before playing in the schoolyard, they also shared their ideas about good choices when playing outside to be happy and safe. “We play together nicely. We use the play structure one at a time. We don’t throw stones outside. We don’t climb up the fence. We don’t bring the sand out of the sandpit. We clean up when it’s time to clean up.” They know the reasons why they should do these things and they agreed to follow them.


We thought that being with younger kids will make them realized that they are the eldest students in ISN and that they should behave and act like one, so this week from Monday to Thursday we sent 2-3 students to Nursery classes to spend time playing with them or trying to help them in their own little ways as big brothers/sisters. Since, it was also their first time meeting them, some of them were a little bit shy at the beginning but changed their mind and became comfortable after a while. Some of the students’ comments are: “The students had a conflict, so I tried to help them. I played with my brother/sister. I like playing with them.”

小さなお友達と一緒に過ごすことで、自分達がISNで一番年上の子ども達だということを実感し、年上の子ども達らしく振舞うことができるのではないかと考え、今週は月から木曜日まで、2-3名のミルキーさん達がナーサリークラスに行き、お兄さん・お姉さんとして一緒に遊んだり、ちょっとした お手伝いをしたりしました。はじめましての小さなお友達ということもあり、最初は少し恥ずかしがっていた子もいましたが、しばらくするとすっかり打ち解けていました。ミルキーさん達の声をいくつか紹介します: 「子ども達がけんかしていたから、助けようとしたよ」「弟/妹と遊んだよ」「一緒に遊ぶのが楽しかった」😊少しでしたが、良い経験ができたようです!来週もまた遊びに行きたいと思います。

In Phonics, we started reading Magic e words (a-e). After learning how to read magic e words, we did Word and Picture Matching activity. They went around to find their match and read the word together. We also read our second RAZ book which is entitled “The Backyard”. Some students shared that they have a backyard and what things they have in their backyard. After reading the book, they compared their answers and were very happy that it matched in the book. They practiced writing the tall and fall letters on the notebook. Little by little, they are getting used to writing properly on the lines.

フォニックスレッスンでは、Magic e words (a-e)を読み始めました。Magic eワードとは、最後にeがつく単語で、その前の母音をアルファベット読みにして、e自体は発音しないもの(cake, date, lake…)です。この読み方を学んだ後、単語と絵をマッチングするゲームをしました。一人ずつカードを持ち、自分の絵または単語とペアになる相手を探すゲームです。自分とお友達のカードを見比べたり、大きな声で探したりする子も😊マッチングができた後は、二人でその単語を一緒に読みました。またリーディングレッスンでは、RAZ bookの2冊目の本、“The Backyard“を読みました。何人かの子は、お家に裏庭があるよ、こんなものがあるよと発表してくれました。本を読んだ後、読む前に自分たちが答えたものと見比べて、本と一緒のものがあるととても喜んでいました。ライティングレッスンでは、ノートにtall letters(b,d,f…)やfall letters(g,j,p…)を書く練習をしました。少しずつ、ノートにある線の正しい位置に書くことに慣れてきているようです👍

We went to Nanbu park again to see cherry blossoms. This time, they were in full bloom and we enjoyed looking at them. We were so amazed at their beauty! They had fun ziplining, running around, and playing at the playground with friends.


Thank you for reading our blog! Have a wonderful weekend!


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