


Aurora: A new month, new possiblities [July 29th~ August 2nd]

Hi everyone!
The new month brought with it new adventures for us. We began practising our dance performances for Sports Festival day. The first one will be an exercise dance performed by the whole school and then the second will be Aurora’s own unique performance. They say practise makes perfect so we will keep this in mind and do our very best to be prepared for our peformance.



We enjoyed pool play everyday this week!The weather didn’t disappoint us.


Caring for pets

For our Unit of inquiry[UOI] this week, we talked about how to take care of pets. A few students who have pets at home explained how they care for them. The discussion was wrapped up by a short presentation by Ms.Ayako. She explained how she takes care of her two cats at home!

今週のUnit of inquiry[UOI]では、ペットの世話について話しました。自宅でペットを飼っているお子さんは、ペットの世話についてお話してくれました。最後に、Ms.Ayakoが家で2匹の猫をどのようにお世話をしているのかを説明しました。これから毎日交代で子犬と子猫(ぬいぐるみ)のお世話をします。どんなお世話をするのかお子さんにぜひ聞いてみてくださいね!

One member of Aurora, N is leaving us. She and her family are moving to a different prefecture. Everyone made sure to be kind to her this whole week and to play with her as much as they could! All the best at your new school and we will miss you dearly!!



We began the new month with new songs! We sang a song about summer and fireworks. We also sang a song about summer vegetables.


Our next swimming lesson at Central fitness is on Tuesday the 6th. Afternoon circle time observation is on Friday the 9th. We look forward to your attendance!

Have a great weekend!

Below are the links to the songs we sang and danced to this week.




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