


Endless Summer – Rainbow 26-30 August (終わらない夏!)




Hello everyone!

The last week of the scorching hot August has arrived. The sounds of insects and the cool breeze foreshadow the coming of autumn, but our Rainbows are still playing energetically as if they are reluctant to let summer end. They catch insects, run, sing songs “Water guns”, and so on…

Since the end of the Obon holidays, we have seen big changes and growth in our children’s words, actions, and smiles every day. The summer of 2024 that we spend as Rainbow students will only be here once, but it may be an “Endless Summer” where the children have memories and experiences that will remain in their hearts forever.

今月のトピック「果物」の学びも最後の週となり、クラスではフルーツジュース屋さんごっこをクラス活動として楽しみました。お店には何やら透明の液体の入ったペットボトルが・・・。2人ずつペアになってフルーツジュースを作ります。まずは好きな果物を選び、その名前や色をみんなの前で発表しました。そしてその果物をボトルに絞って入れて(フリですが・・)ボトルを振ると・・・あらあら不思議!カラフルなフルーツジュースが出来上がりました!完成したフルーツジュースは一人一人のお友だちに「What juice do you like? (何のジュースが好きですか?) 」と聞き、カップに注いであげました。そしてみんなで今月の学習に精一杯取り組んだ自分達にかんぱーい!!飲んだフリをしてからバケツに処理しました。面白かったのはそのバケツの水が変化していく様子に子ども達が興味津々だったことです。茶色のような緑色のような・・「きっと栄養満点のミックスジュースだね?!」と笑い合いました。「果物」は子ども達にとって身近で、英語も日本も同じものが多いので比較的簡単なトピックでしたが、だからこそ果物屋さんやジュース屋さんといった生活に密着した「ごっこ遊び」を通して色や数にも注目して楽しむことができました。よく頑張りました!

This is the last week of learning about this month’s topic, “fruits,” and the class enjoyed playing a fruit juice shop as a class activity. There was a plastic bottle filled with water in the shop. In pairs, two children made fruit juice. First, they chose their favorite fruit and tell its name and color in front of everyone. Then, they squeezed the fruit into the bottle (just pretending), shook the bottle, and…oh my! It was amazing! Beautiful fruit juice was made! When the fruit juice was finished, they asked each of their friends, “What kind of fruit juice do you like?” and poured it into a cup. Then, everyone cheered for themselves working hard on this month’s learning! They pretended to drink it, and then put it in a bucket. What was interesting was that our children were very interested in how the water in the bucket changed. It was like brown and green… “It must be a healthy mixed juice?!” they laughed. “Fruit” is something that children are familiar with, and many of the same things are found in both English and Japanese, so it was an easy topic, but because of this, they were able to have fun focusing on colors and numbers through “pretend play” that was close to everyday life, such as a fruit store and a juice store. Great job Rainbow!


We held a birthday party for friends born in August. We also celebrated with friends who were unable to attend the birthday party in July. Three friends from Rainbow turned three years old. They answered loudly with their names and ages. Happy birthday! We wish you all the best in the future!


The evacuation drill was conducted under the assumption that a stranger had come into the school. Everyone looked serious as they ran to the corner of the classroom farthest from the doors and windows and waited quietly with teacher for the stranger to leave. After the stranger left, everyone returned to their seats and discussed the dangers of stranger and the basics rules “Ika-no-o-su-shi.”of evacuation. Please discuss this at home as well.


Practice for the sports festival will finally begin in earnest in September. Our Them of this year is” Jungle” Our children are already looking forward to participating in the sports day with their moms and dads. Practice is also getting more and more enthusiastic.


Well, let’s hope the typhoon doesn’t affect you… have a nice weekend!

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