


The Police and Robbers Game SVRF 3/17

Mr. Jon came to visit from Ueda campus and the children had so much fun playing police and robbers with him. He was a sneaky criminal that made the children chase him around the yard.The children caught him and put him in the prisons they have made, and even put a prison guard to watch him, nonetheless he tricked the children and escaped the jails!! The children all exclaimed, “Mr. Jon you are so bad! You made us so tired today!” It was such a fun day and thank you for visiting us, Mr. Jon!
ジョン先生が上田のキャンパスからクラス観察に来ました。子ども達はジョン先生と一緒に警察ごっこをして楽しみました。ジョン先生は凄腕の泥棒だったので、子ども達は必死に泥棒をおっかなければなりませんでした(笑)そして捕まえた後は、みんなで作った刑務所にジョン先生をしっかり閉じ込め、さらに監視員も置きました(笑)が、結局は泥棒が警察を騙し、脱獄に成功しました😂 子ども達は大声で「ジョン先生ってば、私たちを疲れさせて困っちゃう!」と叫んでいました。ジョン先生、子ども達と遊んでくれてありがとう!とても楽しかったです。

This week we moved to level B1 with the high frequency words. The children felt a bit more challenging to get points since they had forgotten most of the words taught a few months ago. Nevertheless, the children had fun playing the high frequency word baseball game. They worked as a team and tried their best! Hopefully, they will remember the words as we wrap up the school year next week.  

In phonics and work stations, the children continue to brush up their math, phonic, and writing skills. They were enthusiastic learners who didn’t give up easily. They tried their best with each assignment and had fun rotating to the different tables of materials.   

This week we celebrated our last birthday friend, we were amazed at how great the children are at interviewing the birthday person. They have certainly come a long way and we are so happy to see their growth! On top of the celebration, the children also enjoyed the presentation of a show-and-tell from one of the boys who went to a volleyball game over the weekend. 

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