
Shimauchi Preschool


This is Me-Canyon(May8th-12th)

Hello everyone, A system error has prevented us from uploading photos this week. Sorry for the text only, but we hope you enjoy this week’s blog.


We still experience cold weather in the morning and night time however most of the days are hot in day time.

Here’s the glimpse of fun learning and playing here in Canyon class.

After a month observing the students’ behaviour, and because of some rainy days, finally, we are able to explore outside the campus. Before we went, we talked about the dangers of not following the rules in walking and what’s the result of not listening to the instructions. First, we asked them to walk holding hands with their partners. Secondly, follow friends in front of them and walk straight, walking on the inner side of the road, and don’t make a big gap. Then stop when they hear the whistle of the teacher. Our first walking was a success. Kids enjoyed walking to the shrine at the mountain side. We also enjoyed the cool breeze and the kids had fun looking for the insects and some flowers and leaves. Lady bugs and spiders caught the children’s attention and some of them touched and let it crawl on their hands. We heard from most of the kids “Don’t kill the ladybug, let it go!” We can feel how caring they are to the insects. They also burned their calories running back and forth the hill. They had a blast but looked tired and had a good appetite having their lunch and had a sound sleep.




In our UOI, in connection with our Transdisciplinary theme, “Who we are”, We talked about ourselves. We assess the students on how much they know about themselves by doing the craft “This is Me”. Kids looked at the mirror and draw their faces. After drawing, we asked them how many eyes, nose ears, mouth, and head they have. Then they looked at their drawings and told us about themselves. ” I have 2 ears! I have 2 eyes! and more.

UOIでは、【This is Me】をテーマに自分自身について話し合いました。人型のワークシートに、自分の顔を描きました。時々自分の顔を鏡で見ながら、目、鼻、耳、口、頭の数はいくつあるかな。どこにあるかな。まゆげもあったね。など確認しながら描き、自分の描いた絵を見ながら、「私は耳が2つある!目は2つ!」と自分のことを話してくれました。

One more activity we did was cutting their names using scissors for the first time. We explained to them clearly how to use the scissors properly.

  1. Sit down when the scissors
  2. Put back the cover when not in use
  3. Don’t cut your hair with scissors
  4. Don’t cut your fingernails
  5. Don’t cut your clothing. After cutting each letter of their names, they stuck them on another piece of paper and we counted how many letters their names have. They practised saying “I have 5, I have 6 letters!                                                                                      


  1. ハサミを使うときは座ってね
  2. 使わないときはカバーをする
  3. ハサミで髪を切らないでください。
  4. 爪は切らない
  5. 服を切らない


We planned of growing vegetables and flowers for the summer. Today, (Thursday)we choose to plant the sunflower seeds. Each kid planted 3 seeds and watered them. We are excited to welcome summer with the blooming sunflowers in the garden.


See you again on Monday. Have a fantastic weekend.



TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / This is Me-Canyon(May8th-12th)