


Welcome to the class-Canyon(May 29th-June 2nd)

Hello everyone,

Months have passed since we started the new school year. Most of the kids already get used to school life and we can see smiles on their faces everyday. They are having fun playing with each other and able to call their friends’names.


Strolling by the river

The weather was was good a perfect time for us to stroll by the riverside. Our youngsters are getting good at walking with pairs and tried their best to follow friends in front to avoid a big gap when walking. When the traffic light was red they stopped and wait and when it turned to green, they all raised their hands and crossed the road. We enjoyed the beautiful scenery and kids where busy looking for insects and picking up flowers around. Before going back to school, we walked at the bridge and breathed the fresh air and listened to the water flowing at the dam. Some kids say, “It’s beautiful!”


Letter Ee and its Phonics

This week, we learned the letter Ee and it’s sound. We introduced some words which start with letter Ee likeE-E-elephant, egg, eggplant, envelope. Kids participated in the activity picking up the flashcard of things which start with letter E.

We also did the activity tracing the letter E using the clay. The clay was hard and kids practiced their sensory and fine motor skills to touch and feel it and used the muscles in their hands to make it softer and make circles to trace the letter. Kids say, “Look! It’s a circle!” “Look! It’s long!”.


また、粘土を使ってEの字をなぞる活動では、使い込んでいない硬い粘土を、手や指の筋肉を使って柔らかくし(肘を使う子もいましたよ!Good idea!)、丸を作って文字をなぞるという感覚的・微細運動能力を鍛えました。子供たちは、”Look! It’s a circle!”と楽しんで取り組んでいました。

Happy Birthday, friend!

All the classes again joined together in the Music room to celebrate the birthday party. Only one student from our class celebrated her birthday in May. Before we go to the climax of the celebration, Ms. Shizuka showed us the balloon art and the children were amazed and excited what’s the next thing she has to make. Our birthday girl had a blast when everybody sang a birthday song to her and recieving a birthday card and a crown. She answered with a smile when she asked of her name, age, and the color she likes. We ended the party dancing the “Star Jump” exercise dance together.


Welcome to the class!

We welcomed new friends who joined us from this month. They are curious and excited to try new things. It was their first day, but they try to say some of their friends’ names and enjoyed playing together. They enjoyed playing in the yard, playing in the sandpit and watered our plants.The current friends were very kind and helpful to them. Let’s enjoy learning and playing together!


Thanks for reading. Have a great weekend and see you on Monday.


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