
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Aurora- Our Visit to the Post Office (February 19th – February 22nd)

Hello Everyone! 

This week in line with our UOI Unit 4 How we organize ourselves the Aurora class was fortunate enough to get the chance to visit the Post office.

In this day and age where in everything is digital and done online, and less and less people seem to send letters thru mail, we are wondering how the post office is doing and what kind of system (way of organizing) they have now to keep up with the times.

 At the Post Office kids got to experience first hand what went on behind the scenes. The kind people who worked there gave as a tour of the different areas. One such area was the cold room, inside they have lots of refrigerators. The cold room is where they store goods that needed to be kept cool and fresh like food and other products.

Then the kids were taken to the loading dock where trucks load and unload boxes or parcels. The kids stood at the middle of the said dock which can moved up and down, it was cool that they got to try it. Next, we saw where the boxes go which is the conveyor belt, there the items go either left or right and or forward which was fun to see. We were all curious what sort of things were inside the different sized boxes and parcel and who they belonged to…maybe doughnuts or dinosaurs, a toy car or a doll? Is it for somebody at the Aurora class or the schools? 

We also saw an automated machine that stamps the date on envelopes in a flash.

We saw a big and loud machine that speedily sorts letters it has lots of pockets that group letters by address…I asked them how does the machine sort the letters they said the letters are stamped with an invisible ink which can be seen under the blue light which the machine can read and so it goes to the right pocket then to be delivered. 

Lastly we went to the parking area and we were able to see the different types of vehicles used at the post office. Of course they were all distinctly red. The kids got to get up close with one particular vehicle which was the motorcycle. The staff at the office let the kids honk the horn which was fun for them to try. To top it all up we all got a free ball pen that lights up and a cute coloring sheet of “post bear” of . 

Our trip to the Post office was truly a refreshing experience especially for the young generation who are curious about lots of things. 

Additionally We had a fun fun fun magical experiment at class that helped kids understand the importance of having clean hands  thus having good hygiene which is part of our UOI how we organize ourselves. 

Thank you for your time. We are hoping you have an awesome weekend with the family. 

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Aurora / Nagano Aurora- Our Visit to the Post Office (February 19th – February 22nd)