
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Shooting Star – Telling stories (September 30th-October 4th )

Hello everyone!

It was a big week for the Shooting Star students as we stopped our nap time in October. I’m sure there have been a lot of tired kids coming home every day, but they have all done a fantastic job at school. We also started our new UOI and had fun playing at the park.

10月は昼寝がなくなったので、シューティング スターの生徒たちにとって長い一週間でした。毎日疲れて帰ってくる子もたくさんいたと思いますが、みんな学校で素晴らしい仕事をしてくれました。また、新しい UOI が始まり、公園で楽しく遊びました。


This week, we began our new unit with the central idea of “Expressing ourselves through stories.” Our first line of inquiry was, “What is a story?”


We looked at the elements of a story, focusing on:


  • Plot: Every story has a beginning, middle, and end. すべての物語には始まり、中間、終わりがある
  • Characters: Who are the characters in the story? 物語の登場人物は誰ですか?
  • Setting: Where does the story take place? 物語はどこで起こりますか?
  • Problem: What type of problems or challenges do the characters face 登場人物はどのような問題や課題に直面しますか?
  • Solution: How do the characters resolve the problems? 登場人物はどのようにして問題を解決しますか?

We also decided on what story to tell for the Christmas show and who would play what roles. We are also adding some unique elements to the story to make it more original. The kids are excited to create their characters, so they’ll think about it over the weekend.

クリスマス ショーでどんなストーリーを語るか、誰がどんな役を演じるかも決めました。ストーリーに独自の要素をいくつか加えて、よりオリジナリティのあるものにしようとも考えています。子どもたちはキャラクターを作るのが楽しみなので、週末に考えます。


We had a great time playing at the park in the lovely autumn weather. Before returning to school, we did a series of enjoyable races.


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