


Aurora:ART is… (October 7-11)

According to the oxford dictionary ,art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. These are complex words for our little nestlings to digest and comprehend, so during our U.O.I this week we tried to define art from 3 year olds’ perspective. After a short and quite interesting discussion we came to the conclusion that as Aurora students we define art as something that is colorful. When I showed the students the pictures shown below and asked them what they thought they were, these are the responses I got: (1) It’s a dragon, (2) a fish, (3) a necklace, (4) the earth! This shows that perception truly lies in the eyes of the beholder. With the same eyes and same vision, human beings interpret visuals differently.

オックスフォード辞書によると、「芸術とは、人間の創造的な技術や想像力を、絵画や彫刻のような視覚的な形で表現したり応用したりすることであり、主にその美しさや感情的な力によって鑑賞される作品を生み出すことである」とあります。これらの言葉は、小さなAuroraさんたちにとって複雑で、理解しにくいものです。そこで今週のU.O.I.では、3歳児の視点からアートを定義してみようと試みました。短い、そしてとても興味深い話し合いの結果、Auroraさんたちはアートをカラフルなものと定義しているようでした。下の写真を見せて、「これは何だと思う?」と尋ねると、こんな答えが返ってきました: (1)ドラゴン、(2)魚、(3)ネックレス、(4)地球!これは、認識が本当に見る人の目の中にあることを示しています。同じ目、同じ視覚であっても、人間の解釈はそれぞれ異なることがよくわかりますね!

To make a connection to our Line of inquiry 1(LOI1); different types of craft techniques, we talked about the kind of materials that are needed to create crafts.

Line of inquiry 1(LOI1)「様々な工作技術」との関連性を持たせるために、私たちはクラフトを作るために必要な材料の種類について話しました。

To wrap up our U.O.I we used paint and paper as our main materials to create art with our index fingers!


Workstations:Scissors usage as part of a craft technique

This week on our craft workstation we focused on doing crafts related to scissors usage.


Pumpkin craft

What is the connection between Halloween and pumpkins? This isn’t a rare question to hear from students and adults alike. It is said that pumpkins were believed to ward off evil spirits. That’s why carved pumpkins with lit candles inside are placed on doorsteps to protect homes from wandering spirits. The students enjoyed doing the pumpkin craft for halloween. It was a good opportunity for them to connect this to the previous day’s U.O.I. They were able to recall the craft materials we discussed about.


Show and tell about crafts from home

LOI1 is all about experimenting with craft activities so please let your kids bring the crafts they do at home and then they can talk about what the made and how they made it. It’s a good chance to polish up their narrative skills. This week two students shared with everyone what they made. Thank you!


Our autumn bus trip is scheduled for Wednesday the 16th. Take good care of yourselves over the long weekend so that we can all get to enjoy the nice scenery at Azumino alps park and have fun doing crafts outdoors! Have a wonderful weekend!


Below are the links to some of the songs we sang and danced to this week.

TOP / 南松本プレスクール / Aurora:ART is… (October 7-11)