


Fun! Fun! Bus Trip!- Rainbow 07th-11th October (楽しいバストリップ!)



Hello everyone.

The main event of this week was undoubtedly the bus trip! Although it was a bit windy, we were blessed with pleasant autumn weather and set off on an exciting bus trip. Our destination, the park (Shonai Park), was very large and it was easy to understand why the kids wanted to run around. First, we all took a walk around the park and ate snacks on the grass. The snacks we had at the park were especially delicious when eaten with friends in a picnic mood.


After the snack, our children grabbed the pouches they had made for the day and began their adventure to “Search for autumn”! They had hoped to find red leaves and acorns, but unfortunately, as it was still hot that day, there were few autumnal finds, and they instead gathered dandelions and green leaves. Also, some elementary school boys who were playing in the same park showed us some dragonflies and praying mantises they had caught, which interested them. It was also very refreshing to run around the spacious park chasing soap bubbles and balls.


After the bus trip, our children returned to school and it was time for the long-awaited lunch! The lunches made by their beloved families made the children very happy. They were so happy and proud of the delicious lunches, it was a happy time. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the parents for their cooperation in this event. Thank you very much.

今月のトピックは「Vegetables(野菜)」です。レインボーの子ども達はたくさんの野菜の名前(英語・日本語)を知り、認識しています。給食に出てくる野菜にも「人参だ!キャベツだ!」「これは何という野菜?」などと興味を示して、その味を確認しています。また、クラス活動では八百屋さんごっこを楽しみました。八百屋さん役の子ども達は、「いらっしゃいませ~、何が欲しいですか?」とお客さん(先生)に質問します。そして、「〇〇〇(野菜)が欲しいです」と伝えると、その野菜を探し出し、「はいどうぞ」と渡してくれました。よくできました! 子ども達にとって、学びと実体験がつながった時、一層理解が深まり、探究心が高まると感じています。

This month’s topic is “Vegetables.” Our children know and recognize the names (in both English and Japanese) of many vegetables. They are interested in the vegetables served at school lunches, asking things like, “That’s a carrot! That’s a cabbage!” and “What vegetable is that?” and checking their taste. They also had fun playing Veggies shop as our class activities. Our children playing the role of greengrocers asked the customers (teacher) “Welcome to my shop, what do you want?” When they said, “I want XXX (vegetable),” the greengrocers found that vegetable and handed it to the customer saying, “Here you are.” Well done, Rainbows! I feel that when children’s learning is connected to real-life experiences, their understanding deepens, and their curiosity is heightened.

今月はハロウィーンパーティーが開催されます! 子ども達もとても楽しみにしています。クラフトではジャコールランタン形のキャンディーバックを作りました。(ハロウィンイベントの会場に飾ります)また、今週からオープニングソングとグッバイソングの練習が始まりました。楽しい歌と踊りで、みんな大好きです。是非、お家でも練習してみてください。

This month we will be holding a Halloween party! Our children are really looking forward to it. In the craft class, we made candy bags in the shape of pumpkin. (To be displayed at the Halloween event venue.) Also, we started practicing the opening song and the goodbye song. It’s a fun song and dance that everyone loves. Please try practicing it at home too!


Have a great weekend and see you next week!

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