
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Aurora – Our favorite toys (May 29nd-June 2nd)

Hello everyone!

This week in Aurora was fantastic! We had so much fun going to the park, making letters with clay, and doing show-and-tell activities. Those were some of the fun highlights of our week.


今週のオーロラは素晴らしかったです! 公園に行ったり、粘土で文字を作ったり、Show&tellの活動をし、とても楽しかったです。それらは私たちの週の楽しいハイライトのいくつかでした。

Show and tell

Our brave students brought their favorite toys to school for a special show-and-tell as part of our UOI. They all did their best to show their favorite toy while answering simple questions from the teachers. Any friends who couldn’t do it this week will be able to do it next week!


Fun at the park

The kids were amazed to find many ants climbing on the trees! They quickly gathered around the tree to observe all the little ants.

子どもたちはたくさんのアリが木に登っているのを見つけて驚いていました! 彼らはすぐに木の周りに集まり、すべての小さなアリを観察しました。

Letters with clay

We enjoyed using clay to create the letter F during our phonics lesson.


Thank you for reading, and see you again next week!


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