Lately Milky way kids applied everything they have learned about conflicts and teamwork into actions. They have become more aware of their own action will affect the team, and able to communicate to each other in every team decision. Conflicts arise but our kids know how to talk to each other out of good intentions and always come back together as a team.
Milky wayクラスでは、しばらくチームワークについて学んできました。自分の行動がチームに影響する事や各チームで、お互いにコミュニケーションを取ることができるようになっています。クラス内で、対立も起こりますが、やさしい気持ちでお互い話し合うようになり、常にチームの中で一緒に学びを進めています。
Our swimming lesson, check out those amazing expressions!
We have learned about the blending of Th and Wh this week, please do watch the video below and practice the sounds at home.
Our kids had a great time playing outside with their water guns this week! We thank all the parents who always support us and allowed their kids to enjoy the fullest at school, the kids yelled a big “Thanks!” to you for making delicious lunch box. They kids enjoyed the water guns and activities very much and requested to do them again! Due to the hot weather in upcoming month, we will be doing it more!