
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Milky Way: Where does water come from?

One of the questions that we are going to answer is “Where does water come from?” Therefore, we explored different forms of water in our environment and what a water cycle is. We will be doing some experiments at school and at home during this week to find out what evaporation is (by observation the water changes in the cup under direct sunlight). It is crucial to understand how the water cycle works before we can know how we can protect them.

We are pleased to have a special guest came in this week to talk about the history and festivals around Minami Takada area. It helped us to know that people raise awareness to protect different heritages through festival. It can be a way to protect our culture and environment.

We also started to practice our Christmas show performance song “Silent night” using Pianica. Please do practice the song at home with your kids.
Musicレッスンでは、ピアニカで、”Silent night”を練習しています。クリスマスショーで演奏する曲でもありますので、お家でお子様と一緒に練習して頂くようお願い致します。

For phonics, we have learned about “sp, spr” this week.
フォニックスでは、今週、”sp, spr” の音を学びました。

Have a nice long weekend and Happy respect for the aged day!

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