
Shimauchi Preschool


WE LOVE PHONICS!- Canyon August 22nd-26th

Phonics double the fun of learning!
Our little ones love singing the ABC phonics song and learn alphabet letters, its sounds, and the words begin with it. It helps to improve their vocabularies through learning new English words and to explore the language. This week, we focused on letter L and learned the words begin with it such as: ladybug, lion, leaf, lamp, log, and lemon. For our activity, our young ones made a ladybug using letter L as its body.🐞 For its elytra, we used a red colored paper and they drew the ladybug’s spots, put its eyes and chose their desired color for its antenna. It’s the cutest ladybug ever, right?!🤩

子ども達も大好きなフォニックス!ABCフォニックスの歌を歌いながら、アルファベットとその発音、その文字から始まる単語などを学びます。今週はL!Ladybug, lion, leaf, lamp, log, lemonなどの英単語を覚えました🧡クラフトでは、赤い羽根にクレヨンで斑点を描いて貼り付け、好きな色の目と触角を選び、最高にかわいいてんとう虫を完成させました🤩!!楽しみながら新しい英単語を覚えることは、言葉を探求することにも繋がっていきます✨

In our UOI lesson, we discussed the ways on how to help animals. To broaden our topic, we also learned how to help other animals like sea creatures. We identified and demonstrated the problems they are facing under the ocean and the ways on how to save them. We watched an educational video wherein they saw the bad effects of throwing garbages in the ocean. It makes the sea animals sad… So our little ones said, we shouldn’t throw garbages in the ocean instead, put it in its proper place to save and help the sea animals so they will not cry anymore! It’s a good way to practice how to be “caring” to animals.⭐


Two of our youngsters turned 4 this month!🎈
Time flies so fast! It seems like yesterday when you started your journey in Canyon class and then now, you’re celebrating your birthday with your friends…💖 Have a blast!!!🥳


This week, we conducted an Earthquake drill. To begin, we explain to our little ones what an “earthquake” is and what are the safety precautions to follow when it occurs.
Here are rules to follow when there is an earthquake: O, HA, SHI, MO.
-do not push your friends.
-do not run.
-do not talk.
-do not come back.






Have a wonderful weekend everyone!✨


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / WE LOVE PHONICS!- Canyon August 22nd-26th