
Shimauchi Preschool


The time approaches..RF 3/18

It is almost time to say goodbye. With only a week remaining this school year, Mr. Hojo gave a touching speech with the children as he has witnessed the growth of these children in the past five years. It brought tears to my eyes as I listened to his message for the children.


We also want to give a great shout out to all the parents who gifted the school with so many wonderful storybooks. The children all had a great time listening to the stories! Thank you so much for the precious gifts! 


As the weather all of a sudden turned warmer, the children enjoyed so much of the precious time of being outdoors! They love running in the yard, digging canals or making cakes at the sandpit.  The other day we paid our last visit to the shrine as the children are soon to be graduating. They bid their farewell to the trees, solar panels, bamboo forests, and the whole neighborhood as we walked back to the school. It is a sobering moment since the children know this is their last chance to be out walking together as a class. Nonetheless, they enjoyed every minute of it! 

急に暖かくなったので、子どもたちは屋外の貴重な時間をたくさん楽しみました。園庭で走ったり、砂場で川を作ったり、ケーキを作ったりするのが大好きです。 先日、子どもたちがもうすぐ卒園するので、園東側のお散歩コースで最後のお散歩を楽しみました。木々、ソーラーパネル、竹林、そして近所の人たちに別れを告げながら、園に戻りました。子どもたちは、これがクラスで一緒に歩ける最後の機会だと知っているので、身の引き締まる思いがします。でも、子どもたちはとても楽しんでいました。

This week also marks the last phonic and writing lessons. As we conclude and review all they have learned in phonics, writing, and math, I am left in awe of how much progress they have made! These children have certainly used the information they have gained and put it to practice in their everyday lives. We are so proud of their growth. 


The children really enjoyed the extra free play time they had towards the end of the school year. They just love to giggle, make plans of what they are going to create, have a chat or read a book together! We certainly hope the friendship does not end as they move on to elementary school. 


We are so glad the children finally got a little bit of gym time before they graduate as the quasi emergency measure ends. The children missed the jump rope and hula hoop movements, nonetheless a lot of them improved a lot on their jumping rope skills! We are certainly thrill for the opportunity to say goodbye to Ms. Airi before the children bid their farewells.


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