Compliments of the season. May 2025 bring you endless joy, success and cherished moments with loved ones.We began unit 4(HOW WE ORGANIZE OURSELVES) this week. It will be Aurora’s final unit of inquiry so we plan to make it count and advance to Shooting star with an elevated confidence needed at the next level.
今週からユニット4(HOW WE ORGANIZE OURSELVES)に入りました。オーロラにとって最後の探究単元となります。シューティングスタークラスへの進級に向けて自信をつけて進んでいきたいと思います。
LOI1: Different types of transportation
Our topic is transportation(a system for carrying people or goods from one place to another using vehicles, roads, etc). In order to undersatnd these systems, it’s important that the students first know and be able to name different types of vehicles in English.Thus we started off by trying to identify different types of vehicles.After a brief introduction to the UNIT and the two lines of inquiry, the students were given the opportunity to name a few vehicles that they know and like.

Solo taxonomy
The students are going to be assessing themselves in the course of the next 3 months. They will begin with assessing their social skills and reflecting on ways they can improve or change. The red column represents things that they aren’t supposed to do. Things such as fighting, snatching toys from classmates, using loud voices when they are indoors and running around the classroom. The yellow column represents “you’re on the right path, keep at it.” Blowing one’s nose by oneself, sitting nicely during lesson time and lunchtime. The green column is where they should aim to be. Sharing toys with their classmates, lining up in a nice straight line , raising their hands when they have something to say and not talking too much during meal time. The blue column represents perfection, and no one is expected to be perfect so we will leave that one blank for now. 😂

New songs were introduced this week. One about pounded rice(omochi) and one about throwing beans at a monster(setsubun). The students enjoyed themselves!

My sincerest apologies for the multiple errors that were on this week’s planner. Our next central fitness lesson is on Tuesday the 14th. Quite a few students have been forgot swim caps, towels etc this week so please take care not to bring a pool bag with missing articles.
Have a nice long weekend!
今週のWeekly planにいくつかの誤りがあったことを心よりお詫び申し上げます。次回のセントラルフィットネスレッスンは14日(火)です。プール道具を忘れずにお持ちください。

Below are the links to some of the songs we sang and danced to this week.