
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Nagano Milky Way: Around the World in a Day: A Celebration of Cultures (Feb. 3rd-7th)

It was an amazing start to the week as we celebrated different cultures on our Cultural Day which we named “Around the Day in a Day: A Celebration of Cultures”. We invited all the classes and our parents, too. We wore costumes from different countries, walked in our fashion show, and introduced ourselves. It was an exciting experience when we walked down the aisle and were applauded by our friends and parents.

文化の日にはさまざまな文化を祝い、「一日を巡る:文化の祝典」と名付け、素晴らしい週の始まりとなりました。クラス全員と保護者も招待しました。さまざまな国の衣装を着て、ファッション ショーに出て、自己紹介をしました。カーペットを歩いて、友達や保護者から拍手を受けたときは、とても興奮しました。

After the fashion show, we went straight to our exhibit and invited our friends from Rainbow, Aurora, Shooting Star, and elementary classes to take a look. They asked us questions about Japan, Vietnam, China, the USA, and the Philippines such as the symbols, food, language, traditions, and clothes.


It was a successful event! Thanks to our parents and friends for supporting us. We were able to showcase what we’ve learned and were able to have fun at the same time.

After our cultural day, we were so thrilled to eat lunch with our parents! It was our school open day!

大成功でした! 私たちをサポートしてくれたご両親と友人に感謝します。 学んだことを披露すると同時に、楽しむこともできました。 文化の日の後、両親と一緒にランチを食べることができてとても嬉しかったです! 学校のオープンデーでした!

We also celebrated the Setsubun. The demon came to our room so we threw pretend beans at him.


Have a happy weekend!


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