
Minami Matsumoto Preschool

Minami Matsumoto Preschool

Aurora: LOI2- Ancient and modern transportation (Feb 10-14)

Hi all!

This week we began our inquiry into “ancient and modern transportation.” The students were fascinated by some of the pictures they saw of ancient vehicles. Even for an adult, it’s truly amazing to see how vehicles have changed since a 100 years ago.

今週、私たちは 「昔と今の交通手段」についての探究を始めました。Auroraさんたちは、昔の乗り物の写真のいくつかを見て魅了されていました。大人でさえ、100年前からの乗り物の変化には本当に驚かされますよね!

🟪Ship craft

The students made ships using toilet paper roll, plastic straws, crayons, glue, sellotape and scissors!I think it’s safe to say this was the hardest craft they have done so far. It was hard but definitely worth the work. There were lots of steps to follow and they had to listen to the teacher’s explanation.Theu undoubtedly improved their listening skills and motor skills.



Ms.Nishimura introduced new songs this week. One about counting to 10 was a hit with the students! Music concert practise is going good so far. Please continue to practise with them at home.


We are all looking forwad to seeing you on Monday the 17th, for their very last OPEN DAY as Aurora students.

Have a good weekend!

17日(月)、オーロラクラスでの最後のOPEN DAYを迎えます。皆様に会えるのを楽しみにしています。


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