
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Meadow February 11-15

Happy Valentine’s Day! Mummies and Daddies, hope you liked the cards. The children worked hard placing the shiny red spangles on the hearts. From the children… 😊💖 Hugs and kisses 😘 “I love you!”
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Happy Valentine’s Day!お父さん、お母さんへのカードはいかがでしたか?気に入ってくれているとうれしいです。

Thank you, Parents for attending our Gym Open Day. It was a good workout for everyone!
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This week, we used “our nose to smell” and smell we did! We had orange peel, pepper, and coffee. The children had to guess what the food items were just by smelling them. Those were all wrapped up. A tough challenge but a few children made correct guesses. Well done!
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The class has been rote counting well to 10, and trying to identify numbers 1 to 10. We are now working up to bigger numbers. We are also reviewing the letters of the alphabet. We associate the letters with names of the children, and this helps them remember the letters better.
Have a wonderful weekend.良い週末を!

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