
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Aurora April 3-5 : Brand New School Year!

Warmest greetings to all students and parents of Aurora, Class of 2019-2020! We are really excited about the coming academic year for our 3-4 year olds.
There were smiles all round when the children entered Aurora classroom on the first day. Friends from last year’s nursery classes were in the room. They were all ready to play with one another! The class settled down well into the day’s routines. This week was a smooth start. A big thank you to Parents too for preparing your child’s belongings for school.
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The class was shown a video snippet of what “Aurora” means… lights in the sky. Please see the YouTube link below.

For outdoor play in the schoolyard, the children could finally get to use the upper level of the castle. Hooray!!!!
Auroraになったので、外にあるPlay castleで遊べるようになりました!ルールを確認し何度も何度も繰り返し楽しみました。
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We went to the park too. It was lovely sunny weather. Both Aurora and Canyon classes practiced walking in pairs. This was in preparation for their walks to the park in the near future. Then it was fun at the playground! Till next week, have a fantastic weekend.
青空が広がる晴れた日に、公園へ行きました。Canyonの子ども達と一緒に公園の周りを歩き、友達と手をつないでまっすぐ間を空けずに歩く練習をしました。その後は、Play groundで身体を思いっきり使って遊びました。
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