
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Aurora April 15-19


Greetings from Aurora! This was a week of firsts for our 3-4 year olds – our first swim class and our first gym class. The children enjoyed splashing in the water and listened well to the Instructors. Our littles ones were water confident and could dip their heads underwater. Well done! 👍🏻
Our gym class was a blast! Each child had a soft rubber ball. With the brightly coloured balls, they rolled, bounced, threw and even sat on them.
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Aurora started our IB PYP Transdisciplinary Theme – Who We Are. What an apt introduction to the academic year! Naturally, we talked about ourselves. We played name games and identified parts of our bodies. We had a guessing game – Who Is This? We printed our faces on paper and cut out the facial features. The class had lots of fun with that.
IB PYPのテーマ”Who We Are. 私達は誰なのか”が始まりました。始めは、もちろん自分達の事から話し合いました。お友達の名前や身体の名前当てっこゲームをしたり、”これは誰でしょう”とお友達の顔写真をパーツで切り取ったものを見せて当てる遊びをして楽しみました。みんな目や髪型だけで誰なのかよくわかっていました。
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We discussed how we are the same but different in some ways. We will continue to explore this central idea through the months. For example, we have hair but some are short and others are long.  The class worked on Letter Bb as in bat, balloon, bird, bus.
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We have been singing and dancing to the song “This Is Me”. Please see the link below. Enjoy, and have a fabulous weekend!
“This Is Me”という曲に合わせてダンスをしています。またお家でも聞いてみてください。


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Aurora April 15-19