
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


SS July 10

Shooting Star had a fun-filled week of learning.
We continued with our Theme of My Community and talked a lot about the zoo, since we visited it on Friday. We made a KWL Chart and put it up on the wall. K – What do you Know about the Zoo? W – What do you Want to know about the Zoo? and What did you Learn about the Zoo? We will fill in the last column on Monday.
The Zoo and Alps Park was perfect. We had so much fun! We went to the zoo first and saw all the animals. We had a fabulous picnic lunch. We played at two different play areas. We played in the water. It was so much fun.
We went in the outside pool on Wednesday. We will go now each day as long as the weather is good.
We have a new classmate. Her name is Risako. I have paired her with different friends and everyone is playing well and helping her learn English. Welcome Risako!
My Community(私の地域)というテーマで学びを続けているShooting Starでは最近、動物園についてたくさん話したり絵を描いたりしています。KWL表といって、K:Know 知っていること W: Want to Know 知りたいこと L:Learn 学びたいこと をまとめた表を作りました。金曜日にはアルプス公園へバス遠足に行きました!公園内の小動物園ではたくさんの動物や鳥を見て触れることができました!(KWL表にはこの日見た動物について月曜日に追加されます) 家族の方に作っていただいた美味しいお弁当を美味しく食べ、遊具や小川で思いっきり遊びました。お弁当や着替えなど準備にご協力いただきありがとうございました。
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