
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Aurora May 7-10

Welcome back! Hope the new era of Reiwa 令和 brings joy, peace and harmony to all. The children did not miss a beat. They were all back into the rhythm of school life. In Aurora class, this means more fun, learning, dancing and great imagination! We made a big car for an elephant, a tunnel for dump truck, a swimming pool and a castle – all out of blocks that is. Wonderful play!
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We worked on the letter Dd for dump truck, duck, dog, drum. The class is getting better with colouring in and “writing” with more practice. This is a good start for using our fine motor skills. Not only did we use our little hands, we examined our feet and toes too! We continued our IB Theme on “Who We Are” and compared feet and toes. Same sizes? Different? 10 toes? Let’s count.
アルファベットでは、”D”を書く練習をしました。子ども達も書く事に慣れて来て、今回はエンピツ持ちに少し意識を向けながら書きました。塗り絵になぞり書きと手先の運動にはとてもいい活動です。IBテーマの”Who We Are“を引き続き学んでいます。今度は、裸足になってお友達と足の大きさを比べっこをしました。同じサイズ?それとも違う?足の指は10本?数えてみよう!
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We had Music Lesson with our castanets and learned beats of songs. The children had to listen carefully to the music and move accordingly.
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It will be Mother’s Day this Sunday and the class was all excited about making a present for Mummy. We practised a little song too. Please see the video below.
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Outdoor play is important too. Some children played tag running about, some enjoyed digging in the sand, while others climbed the castle. Good gross motor skills practice! Till next week, have a fantastic weekend.
よい週末をお過ごしください。Happy mother’s day!!
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TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Aurora May 7-10