
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Let's Be Creative! (Shooting Star)

This unit the students have been using their imaginations a lot and creating some great things! The Shooting Star class has been learning about dioramas this week. First we taught them what a diorama was using the story Little Red Riding Hood. Afterwards the students were able to make their own dioramas. Some chose to do the same story while others chose to make their own story with the characters they made last week. It was so great to see all the things they were able to do and create together.
クリエイティブな一週間を過ごしたShooting Starの子どもたち!UOI”People have different ways of sharing stories”のレッスンでは、ジオラマ作りに挑戦しました。ジオラマってなんだろう?ということで、先生達が『赤ずきん』をジオラマで演じると、小さな箱の中の物語に目を輝かせて聞いていました。子どもたちは自作のキャラクターや赤ずきんのキャラクターをそれぞれ手作りして、グループごとに3つのジオラマを作りました!”Little Red Riding Hood” “Let’s Go To School!” “Fun City!”というタイトルのジオラマが出来上がりました。お友達と一緒に協力して作り上げたジオラマに大興奮!子どもたちは、それぞれのキャラクターの人形を持ってたくさん会話したり遊んだりしていました。
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Monday was a special day because the class went to a sweet potato farm. It was so much fun! The students did a great job digging out all the sweet potatoes they could. Their bags were full by the time we left the farm. We also saw so many different kinds of bugs. It was really cool!
今週は子どもたちも楽しみにしていたビッグイベントさつまいも掘り!お世話にななった農家さんは、事前に葉を取って掘りやすくしてくださっていたため、どんどんと土を掘ってさつまいもを発見!掘る最中に土から出てくる色々な虫に悲鳴をあげたり興奮したり、大きなお芋を掘って”It’s so heavy!” “My sweet potato is so big!”と大きさにびっくり!袋いっぱいにいただいてお家に持ち帰りました。
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With the Halloween Party coming up, the Shooting Star class is in charge of making the pinatas for the party. It took two days to make but it was fun. The students worked in groups to make them. They used paper and watery glue to stick everything on a balloon and then the next day we decorated it. It was messy and fun!
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We hope everyone enjoyed their sweet potatoes and have a great weekend!
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