
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Christmas Show! (Shooting Star Dec. 9 – 13

This week has been a fun and exciting one! The students have all been working so hard everyday to prepare for the Christmas show. They have improved so much since we first started practices. We are so proud of them all!


We haven’t had a lot of time for long phonics lessons but Wednesday we had a lot of time to focus on the subject since we didn’t have our gym class. The lesson focused on making sentences with word cards and pictures. The word cards had our jump out words on them with some extra sight words while the picture cards were nouns. For example, one sentence was “Look at the fox.”. The picture card they chose was a fox and they had to use the word cards to make a sentence. They enjoyed the activity so much they asked to do it again next week.

クリスマスショーの準備に忙しかった数週間ですが、その他のレッスンも忘れずにしています。今週はフォニックスのレッスンがあり、子どもたちはいきいきと活動に取り組んでいました。今まで習ってきたサイトワードを使って文章を作るアクティビティーをしました。”I like my …” “Look at the …” “I see a …”というように、絵の描かれたカード(名詞)と サイトワードのカードで文章を構成しました。一人で文章を作れるようになって、とっても嬉しくて、たくさんの文章を作ることができました!

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The Christmas Show was a great success! The whole class did a wonderful job. All of their hard work paid off. They performed well and had fun during the show. It was a great experience and we are so proud of each and every one of them.

Thanks to the parents for always supporting the students and we hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

クリスマスショー当日は、今までの中で一番の出来でした☆ ステージでは練習してきたことをとても立派に発表することができました。そんな姿をご家族のみなさんに見ていただけたことが、子どもたちは何よりも嬉しそうでした!保護者の皆様には、当日までの練習や準備にご協力いただき、誠にありがとうございました!


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TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / Christmas Show! (Shooting Star Dec. 9 – 13