
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Happy New Year! Shooting Star (Jan 6 – 10)

Happy New Year everyone! We hope you all have a wonderful holiday.


It’s been a fun week with the students. We started a new unit with them about sharing the planet. The central idea that we want the students to understand is that nature changes because of living and nonliving things. We started off learning about the difference between nature and not nature and the difference between living and nonliving things. The class had fun sorting the different things into each category. We also started to chart the weather and temperature every day during morning routine. Weather and temperature play a large role in our planet so it’s important that they understand this as well for the unit.

今週からIBの最終ユニットが始まりました。 Unit of InquiryはSharing the Planet。Central IdeaはNature changes because of living and nonliving thingsです。自然界にある生きものとそうでないものについて探求したり、地球をきれいに保つにはどうしたらいいかを考えていきます。 ユニットの始まりは、NatureとNot Natureを分けるformative assessmentをしました。何が自然のもので、何がそうでないのかが分かったところで、次にliving things(生きもの)とNon living things(生きていないもの)について学びました。また、天気と気温を毎日測ってグラフに記していくこともしています。これは後程クラスで行う実験に関係しています。

We started using a wonder wall this week as well. This is where the students can put questions they have throughout the unit and we can try to answer them together. Some questions were; how do dolphins sleep, How do phones work and so on. It’s a great way to get them to start thinking about what they are learning and inquire about the world.

そして今回のユニットからWonder Wallを導入し、子どもたちの不思議に思うことや質問を書き出してみました。特に動物や太陽や雨、自然についての疑問が多くあげられました。これからユニットの活動と探求を深めていくうえで、みんなで疑問について考え、アイディアをシェアしていきます。

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In math the students are learning about subtraction. We are starting with numbers up to 6 and then we will increase the numbers to 10 as we get further along. They learned about different tools to help them subtract as well like counting with their fingers, objects, and so on.


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We hope you all have a wonder year and a nice long weekend!


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / Happy New Year! Shooting Star (Jan 6 – 10)