
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! (Shooing Star February 25 – 28)

We started leaning about how to reduce, reuse and recycle. The first day we talked about how to reuse and the affects of plastic. After our discussion the students started designing their own shopping bags. It took a couple days for them to finish but they all looked great and are excited to start using them! The next couple days we discussed how to reuse and recycle.

Friday the students started putting all their knowledge into practice. They all have a check list that they took home for the parents to fill out. The class will use their shopping bags when they go shopping and tell the clerk that they don’t need a bag. That way they can practice reusing items to reduce plastic and help the planet. We practiced first at school doing role play to get the students used to it.

Hina festival is coming up on the 3rd so the students made a craft for the festival. They ripped up paper and glued it on cups to make the kimonos and then used a type of clay to make the heads. The students enjoyed it and had a lot of fun.

We hope that everyone has a wonderful and safe weekend!

今週のShooting Starクラスでは、3R: Reduce, Reuse and Recyleについて探究と実践的な活動をしました。3つめのLine of InquiryはWe can help the earth.ということで、3Rの大切さを学び、それをどのように普段の生活で実践していか考えました。 SSのこどもたちは、今まで環境について学んできた中でも特にプラスチックごみが地球や生物に与える影響に関心を示していたので、今週はお家から紙袋を持ってきてそれをデコレーションしました!好きな絵を描いたり様々な形の紙を切り貼りして、オリジナルのショッピングバッグを作りました! 金曜日にはお買い物のロールプレーをして、店員さんがビニール袋に商品を入れようとする前に”I don’t need a plastic bag.” “No, thank you.” “I have my own bag.”などと英語と日本語で言ってビニール袋を断る練習をしました。これから2週間、お父さんやお母さんと買い物に出かけた時には、ショッピングバッグを再利用”Reuse the shopping bag”とビニール袋の使用削減”Reduce the use of plastic bag”、そして買った商品の包装などの分別とリサイクル”Recycle the material”を 心掛けて生活していきます。


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TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! (Shooing Star February 25 – 28)