
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Shooting Star Nov. 7 – 11

This week in Shooting Star, students got a lot more accustomed to the new daily routine.
But we still enjoy our schedule of going out to the park, especially it’s time when the leaves change their colors beautifully. We collect many leaves and let them go in the air!
Other than playing on the play ground, we like hiking up a small hill and running down from the top! The children request it again and again to Ms Bon.
On Friday, November 11th, we had parents lunch. Thank you for all the family members who joined our lunch!
The children smile meant everything. We enjoyed the time with parents and showed them that we can eat all the meals on our plates!
Ms Sayo and Ms Bon liked that the students took their parents’ plates to clean up. There were also those who led their parents to show where we usually put our plates away. Great job, Shooting Star!
Again let us thank to those who joined our lunch!
木々がきれいに色づき始め、そんな自然の美しさを感じながらそれぞれお友達と遊具で遊んだり、かけっこをしたりしています。最近のお気に入りの遊びは落ち葉をたくさん集めて、空へパー!と投げること。 落ち葉が舞い散るたびに歓声があがります!また、南部公園では小さな丘の上まで登って、駆け下りてを繰り返ししていたり。。。元気いっぱいです!
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TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / Shooting Star Nov. 7 – 11