
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Eco-friendly Shoppers (Shooting Star March 2-6)

We have been receiving some feedback from our most recent UOI activity. It has been very encouraging to see what the students have been doing. One student brought their eco bag to a cake shop and was featured in their shop’s blog. Another student was inspired to make their own cloth eco bag. We are so proud of all of them being more conscience about how they affects the earth and how they can help!

Later in the week the students made some butterfly bracelets. They reused the part of the cups they didn’t use from the Hina festival craft to make them. They had fun playing with the bracelets once they were done.

We are preparing the students for next year and one of the things they need to do is count to 100. We’ve been doing activities focused on counting. They were able to use legos to count by 10’s and dice to play a number recognition game. The students really enjoy playing the board games!

During the phonics lessons the students have been learning more about vowels. They know the 5 vowels which are on their new vowel shields they made. Knowing these vowels, they went around the class with them looking for words that have them. The lesson that day was teaching that all words have vowels. Some pointed out that “my” didn’t have a vowel in it. We used this to introduce that “y” can be a vowel sometimes.

The students have been using different tools they’ve learned in phonics to correct different kinds of writing. This week there was a story written by Mabel. She is a stuffed koala in class that helps us once in a while with our lessons. This time she wrote a book and the class was able to help her correct her writing because she had some mistakes that needed to be fixed. This helps the students be risk-takers in their writing knowing that it’s ok to make mistakes as long as we fix them.

It was a busy week but very fun. We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

みなさん、こんにちは!暖かい陽気を感じられる日が増えてきましたね。 Shooting Starのお友達は、園外活動に行かなくなってからもしっかりと園庭で体を動かし、クラス内ではたくさんの学びと遊びをしています。

先週の終わりにお家に持ち帰った紙袋のショッピングバッグを使ってお買い物にいけたお友達がたくさん”Reuse Reduce Recycle Checklist”を提出してくれました!そのチェックリストについて先生とお話し、お母さんと買い物に行ったところの絵を描いたり、お家でごみの分別をする絵を描いたりしました。この活動が嬉しいことに、あるお友達が行った先のお店屋さんのブログで紹介されました!!また、あるお友達はお母さんと話し合って布のエコバッグを作って使うようになりました!スクールで学んだことを生活の中で実践してみる、Shooting Starのお友達はとても大切なことを学び身につけています。



来週は、Unit4で探求してきたことの振り返りをします。また、Wonder Wallの質問や疑問に対しての答えをみんなで考えていきたいと思います!     良い週末をお過ごしください。

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TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / Eco-friendly Shoppers (Shooting Star March 2-6)