
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


All the Best, Aurora! Week of March 23-27

This was the very last week of the school year. We had a week of review of the year’s themes. For the theme WHO WE ARE, we re-read the book “Elmer the Patchwork Elephant”. We thought about how we are the same and yet different in some ways. In HOW WE ORGANISE OURSELVES, we relooked concepts of clean, dirty, sorting garbage and the 3Rs – reduce, reuse and recycling. For HOW WE EXPRESS OURSELVES, we returned to the book “How full is your bucket?” We asked ourselves how we have been kind to one another the whole year.

The rest of Aurora finished their diorama presentations. We had a very interesting butterfly spring craft. We used coffee filter paper and diluted paint. The colour-spread technique worked really well and the results were brilliant! These butterflies will be used as decorations for our Welcome Ceremony in April.


For each student, we presented a preschool certificate for “having successfully completed Aurora Class of 2019-2020”! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


We have been blessed with wonderful support from you dear parents. Together with Aurora Teachers, we have worked as a team for our children. From bringing shoeboxes to school, to taking pictures of your children cleaning up at home, and sharing your lovely pet dog Cocoro… thank you. Aurora students will be in good hands next school year. All the very best!


“Find joy in whatever you do, and you will come to love all that you have done.”  

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