
Nagano Preschool


New School Year! (Nagano Aurora/Shooting Star April 6th-9th)

Hello Aurora and Shooting Star families!

Welcome to our 2020-2021 new school term! It is nice to see many familiar faces, as well as some new faces too!

2020-2021の新学期へようこそ! 顔なじみのお子様だけでなく新しく入ってきたお子様にも会えてとてもうれしく思います。

We have two teachers in our combined class this year, Mr. Kevin and Ms. Yukari. Mr. Kevin grew up in California and Scotland, while Ms. Yukari was born and raised in Nagano Prefecture. We are both excited to work with everyone, and to get to know our new friends in class!

今年度はMr. KevinとMs. Yukariがクラスを担任しています。Mr. Kevinはカリフォルニア州とスコットランドで育ち、Ms. Yukariは長野県出身です。私たちはワクワクしながらみなさまと関わり、そして新しいお友達について知っていきたいと思います。

It was very nice to see our new friends during the school Welcome Ceremony. Everyone answered “I’m Here!” very well when their name was called!

入園式の際、新しいお友達に会えた事をとてもうれしく思います。それぞれのお名前を呼ばれた時は”I’m here”とお返事をして下さいましたね!

In class this week we started off by doing an exciting craft. We created a piece of art showing what we imagined space to look like. We observed our teacher perform each step, and followed along. First we chose a piece of blue or purple paper. After that, we chose three colours of paint to use on our project. Once that was done, we folded our paper, so that we had a left and right side. We then used the paint to put spots, lines and dots onto the right side of our paper. Finally, we folded the paper in half, held it for ten seconds, and then unfolded the paper. Well done everyone, you all made some very neat looking space scenes!


[envira-gallery id="75895"]

Finally we welcomed our new friends into our class. We sat in a circle and introduced ourselves. After that, we talked about our favorite colour and our favorite food. Next we played some fun games to get everyone used to our class. First we played Duck Duck Goose. We sat in a circle, and one person walked around the circle, saying Duck or Goose behind each person. When the person said Goose, they ran around the circle, trying not to get tagged by the person they called a Goose. Our final game was a game of Musical Chairs. We put out chairs that numbered one fewer compared to the number of people that were playing each round. We played some music, and when the music stopped, students had to quickly sit on a chair. We repeated this until a champion was crowned. Everyone had a great time, and there were lots of smiles from both our new and returning students!

最後に、新しいお友達をクラスに迎えました。みんなで輪になり自己紹介。好きな色と好きな食べ物の話をしました。その後、Duck Duck Gooseという楽しいゲームをしました。みんなで輪になり座り、1人が輪の外に出ます。そして、その子が輪にいるお友達を1人ずつDuckもしくはGooseと言いながら歩いていきます。Gooseと言われた子は立ち上がり、Gooseと言った子を追いかけます。Gooseと言った子は言われた子にタッチされないように逃げます。(ハンカチ落としの様なゲームです。)その後、チャンピヨンが出るまでイス取りゲームをしました。新しいお友達もそうでない子もたくさんの笑顔に包まれ、楽しみました。

Thank you very much everyone, and see you next week!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / New School Year! (Nagano Aurora/Shooting Star April 6th-9th)