
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Rainbow – Colors of the rainbow (April 13 – 16)

Hello everyone!

It has been our first whole week together of the new school year!
It’s nice to see to see everyone’s personalities emerge as they used to, and feel more comfortable in the classroom.

Crafts (Koinobori)

We made some nice carps for the upcoming children’s day this week!
They got pieces of different colored paper that they glued to a bigger fish shaped paper.
Not only was it a lot of fun, but it also develops their fine motor skills.
Everyone did a great job!

[envira-gallery id=”76362″]

Monthly theme

Every month we have a different theme of what we will be learning about.
This month’s main focus is on color.
The main colors we have been looking at are red, yellow, pink, green, purple, orange and blue.
We have been singing the song “I can sing a rainbow”.
Please sing it together at home when you have a chance!
この色は何色?こっちは何色?好きな色は?と質問しながらみんなで楽しく学んでいます。そして“i can sing a rainbow”色をテーマにした歌を練習しています。テンポもゆっくりなので覚えやすいと思います。お家でもお子さんと一緒に歌ってみてください。

Thank you reading, and see you again next week!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Nagano Rainbow – Colors of the rainbow (April 13 – 16)