
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Aurora's Firsts (April 13-17)

It was a lovely and fruitful week for our dear Aurora students. They had a lot of firsts this week!


Our class had their first UOI lesson. For Unit 1 we will talk about “WHO WE ARE”. Our Line of Inquiry (LOI) is “This is my body.” which will be linked to our Central Idea “We can be the same and different.”


Words such as same and different might be unfamiliar to some or most of them, so we needed to unlock these words by providing them two pictures each card. We looked at their colors and shapes and it helped us identify which were same and different.

オーロラさんの全員が英語の「同じ」と「違う」の意味を理解していないかもしれないので、まずは同じ物の絵と違う物の絵を見比べて区別できるかを、ソーティングアクティビティをして確かめました。みんな一生懸命考えて、色や形で区別することができました。英単語”same”と”different”はこのUnitを通して常に使っていく言葉です。オーロラクラスでは、英単語だけで”same”や”different”と言うだけではなく、”We are the same” “We are different” などの文章で言えるよう一緒に学んでいきたいと思っています💪😊

As an introduction of our LOI, we watched and sang This is Me!
To review the different parts of the body, we played a game “Simon Says”. The teacher gave some commands as Simon and the students followed what were told to do. For example, Simon says… touch your nose. We even counted our eyes, ears, hands, fingers, legs, feet, and toes. We have 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 hands, 10 fingers, 2 legs, 2 feet, and 10 toes. Then we compared, Are we the same or different? We are all same!

まず、LOI1の紹介として、“This is Me!”という動画を観ました。(←リンクを貼りましたので、ご家庭でも是非家族一緒に歌ってみてください😉 )
みんなで一緒に歌った後は、Simon Saysというゲームをしてみんながどれだけ体の部位を知っているか観察してみました。先生が「Simon Says….touch your nose!」と言うと子供たちは「Nose!」と言いながら自分の鼻を触ります。ゲームをしながら目、耳、手、指、足の数も一緒に数えました。目は2つ、耳は2つ、手は2つ、手の指と足の指は10本ずつだということもみんなで確認!その後、みんなで私たちの体の部位は同じなのか違うのか比べてみました。足の指が10本、みんな10本で同じ?違う?とみんなに聞くと、“same!”と返ってきました。そして先生が “We are the same!”と言って子供たちが”We are the same!”と繰り返します。Simon Saysアクティビティは大成功でした✌️このアクティビティもご家庭で簡単にできるので、是非試してみてください😉

Another exciting activity was completing the body parts puzzles. Which body part is missing??? We reminded them to show cooperation by helping their friends do the puzzle. Well done!

もう一つのアクティビティは、Body Puzzle(体のパズル)です🧩

Thursday, we had our Music lesson. It was our first time to play castanets. The teachers helped them to put the loop of the castanets in their left hand.

木曜日はオーロラさんになってから初めてのミュージックレッスンでした♪ お歌を歌いながら、リズムに乗ってダンスをします🎶

In phonics, we transformed the plain and colorless letter A into an interesting and colorful rainbow A using pom poms! We colored the pictures that begin with this letter such as apple, axe, anchor, ant, and airplane.


In math, we practiced rote counting up to 30 with song and counted 1 to 5 objects using wooden blocks we use in our daily free play. Blocks are one of the best learning resources too.


Our boys and girls had fun making a Cherry Blossom tree. We painted the trunk and branches of the tree with brown. We crumpled small pieces of pink tissue paper, dipped in the glue, and pasted them in the branches.


That’s all for this week! Have a wonderful weekend Aurora families!


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Aurora's Firsts (April 13-17)