
Nagano Preschool


Joining Class Using Computers! (Nagano Aurora/Shooting Star April 20th-23rd)

Hello Aurora and Shooting Star families!

We have had another fun week at ISN!

We started off the week with a trip to the park! We made sure to help our friends walk nicely to the park, and once we got to the park, we talked about the rules. We had fun playing on the playground, and chasing our teachers and drawing pictures on ground. The older students did a wonderful job being good buddies to their younger friends, and helped them enjoy the park. After we had a good amount of exercise, we walked back to school, making sure to listen to our teachers and practise our good walking technique.


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Next we did a fun craft activity. We have been talking about our bodies in class recently. So far we have already made pictures of ourselves, and learned the names of different body parts. For this lesson, we practised measuring some of our body parts. We checked the length of our hands and arms, and compared them to our teacher, as well as our friends. After that, we made another fun portrait of ourselves, this time gluing cut-out pictures of our faces onto faces we had drawn and coloured. The final product looked very nice, well done everyone!


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After that we had another fun music lesson. Aurora and Shooting Star had separate lessons. Aurora started off by pretending to be animals, either going fast like a rabbit, or slow like an elephant, according to how our teacher played the piano. Next they practised listening to rhythms, and stopping when our teacher stopped playing the piano. This helped us better understand the pauses that exist in music. Shooting Star continued playing their pianicas, this time reviewing the Do and Re notes and their hand placements, and learned about the Mi note, and its hand placement. Shooting Star is becoming more independent with their pianicas, and are taking great care of cleaning and putting them away!

音楽の授業もしました。AuroraとShooting Starはクラスを分けて行いました。Auroraの授業はリズムに合わせて動物になりました。ウサギは腕で耳を作り速いリズムに合わせ、ゾウはゆっくりと腕で作ったゾウの鼻を動かし、ピアノの音に合わせて動いたり止まったりしました。自分たちでしっかり耳でリズムや音を聴き分けることが出来ました。Shooting Starは引き続きピアニカの練習をしました。ドとレの音を復習し、ミの音をお勉強しました。Shooting Starはピアニカを使いどんどん自立していく様子が見られました。片付けも上手にできました!

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Finally we had a phonics review lesson. We reviewed the letter A and B this week, and did a great activity. We placed flashcards on the ground, and when our teacher called our name, we had to race to find the flashcard, bring it to our teacher, and say the correct phrase on the card. We started off by ourselves, then we matched up against a classmate, and finally we battled it out in groups of three to find the correct card. Sometimes we even faced our teacher! Everyone did a great job, and remembered lots of words they had learnt!


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Thank you again everyone, and see you next time!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Joining Class Using Computers! (Nagano Aurora/Shooting Star April 20th-23rd)