
Nagano Preschool


The Rainy Season Approaches! (Nagano Aurora/Shooting Star May 18th-21st)

Hello Aurora and Shooting Star families!

We have had another fun week at ISN!

We started off the week with a fun gym lesson. The weather was very warm outside, so we had gym class outside! We started off by stretching our bodies, and jogging in order to not hurt ourselves. Our first activity aimed to improve our hand-eye coordination. We set up a series of cones, and had to run zig-zag between the cones. Next we added a more difficult component, in that we had to balance a small ball on a ladle, and run between the cones, making sure not to drop the ball! After that our teacher set up a series of cones and hula hoops, and when they called out a colour, we had to run and touch a cone or hoop of that same colour. Finally we set up a circuit of cones and hoops, and had to jump between each of them in a circle, repeating once we had finished. Everyone enjoyed being in the sunshine!


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Next we continued our theme of learning about likes and dislikes. For this lesson, we introduced the idea of things that we dislike. First, we had a brainstorming session, and discussed some common things that people dislike. We used different categories such as food, animals and even weather. Once we had a good bank of ideas, we used a large sheet of paper, and as a class, coloured and wrote many different examples of things that we dislike. There were many great examples such as lemons, ghosts, peppers, sharks and even aliens! Once we finished, we had a discussion, and identified who disliked the same items! Everyone did a great job, and now know more about their dislikes!

次は先月より探究しているCentral Idea”We are the same but different some ways”のコンセプト”Things we like”に沿い、何が好きな物か話合い、その語今回は好きの逆Dislike好きでないもの(食べ物、動物、季節)について話合いました。そしてクラスみんなのアクティティとして、大きな模造紙を用意し、その上にそれぞれ好きでないものを絵で表しました。(レモン、お化け、胡椒、サメ、そしてエーリアン等)絵で表現した後、それぞれ何が好きでないかを発表し、みんなそれぞれ違った物が好きではなく、みんな違ってみんな良いことを再確認しました。

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Finally we had another great set of music lessons. Aurora continued their theme of listening to different kinds of melodies, and marching around the room according to that melody. When the rhythm was fast, they moved fast, and when it went slow, they all slowed down. Next they pretended to be different animals, and moved around the room when they heard the music that sounded like the animals. Finally they used a cloth, and pretended to be a flower floating in the wind. Shooting Star also performed the flower activity, and continued working on their pianicas. They reviewed the Do, Re, Mi, Fa and So notes previously learned, as well as their finger placements. Finally, they played “Higeji-san” on their pianicas – this was hard as they had to move their fingers very quickly! Great job everyone!

リトミックのクラスもしました!Auroraのお友達は引き続きリズムのお勉強です。先生がピアノで速く演奏したときはお馬になりパッカパッカと駆けて、先生がゆっくりな曲を演奏したときは私たちお馬さんは1,2,1,2、とゆっくり歩きました。お友達とペアになって手をつないで手の振り方で強弱の体験もしました。そして、待ちに待ったスカーフです!1人ずつもらったスカーフを手の中でクシャクシャに丸めてゆっくりと広げながら横に揺れ「お花が笑った」を英語で歌いました。Shooting Starのお友達は引き続きピアニカの練習です。ドレミファソの音はそれぞれの指を使い前回教わり、今回は初めて曲の演奏をしました。「トントントントンこぶ爺さん」の曲です。今までとは違い、少しスピードも速いですし、それにみんなと合わせるのがとても難しかったですが、本当に頑張りました!引き続き頑張りましょう!

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Thank you everyone, and see you again next time!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Aurora / The Rainy Season Approaches! (Nagano Aurora/Shooting Star May 18th-21st)