


Nagano Rainbow – (July 13-16)

Hello everyone!

Welcome to our last blog entry before the sports festival.
We will include Friday’s sports festival in next week blog, so please look forward to it!

Now, let’s move on to what we have been doing this week. It has been a very active week in Rainbow.

Practice for sports festival.

We went to the gym where we are holding the sports festival so everyone can take a look at it, and practice some of the activities we will be doing. Our energetic students had no problem going through the obstacle course, and is looking forward to showing their parents what they can do!

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Gym lesson

We also had a fun gym lesson this week.
The lesson started with our usual stretching.
Once we were all warmed up and ready to go, we balanced across the mat following a rope laying down on it.

But the most exciting activity was jumping on the trampoline!
Everyone did a great job bouncing up and down on it. Using both their power and improving their balance.

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Swimming lesson

Everyone was once again very excited for our second swimming lesson.
The bus was full of laughter and smiles, as always.
We did some light stretching and a shower before entering the pool.
The lesson started with a fun walk through some hoops in the water.
After walking a few rounds, we changed the walk into a crawl.
Crawling in the water can be scary, but everyone did a great job!

We also picked up different balls floating in the pool, and collected cards and stuck them to a float again! The kids love yelling out what kind of characters they find when they pick up the cards!

We ended the lesson by making an exciting water slide with the platforms inside the water! Everyone bravely slid down the slide into the water where the teacher was waiting to catch them

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Music lesson

We had another fun music lesson this week.
The lesson started by taking a look at some different shapes.
The teacher showed some examples, and let the kids touch the object so they could feel how the different shapes felt.
We also jumped around like frogs while singing the frogs song!

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Thank you for readin, and see you again next week for our special sports festival edition!

TOP / 長野プレスクール / Nagano Rainbow – (July 13-16)