
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Sorting Garbage! (Aurora Sept. 7-11)

Put garbage in the right place!

This week UOI lesson is about the third way to help the earth which is to RECYCLE! It means to sort garbage and those garbage can turn into something new! As an earth hero we should sort the garbage properly by putting them in separate and designated bins. Aurora did a great job in recycling garbage in our class. Each of them took a garbage and put it in the right bin and were able to name what garbage they got.


We watched some videos on how garbage are recycled in the recycling plant. Through those videos, we discovered that plastic bottles could turn into nice and cool T-shirts, old glass bottles and jars could turn into new and different sizes of bottles and jars, old paper, cardboard, and carton boxes could turn to new ones. Those were so amazing! Everybody was surprised on what we watched!


In phonics, we talked about the letter S and its sound as in snake, sun, strawberry, and star. We also noticed some words that begin with the letter S but have a different beginning sound such as shark, ship, and sheep. We finished tracing uppercase letter. Well done!


On September 21st, we’ll celebrate Grandparents’ Day! Aurora made a very cute grapes craft for their loving grandma and grandpa! We used pom-poms to create the shape of the grapes. First, they dipped the pom-pom in the paint of their choice (red, purple, green) and stamped it on the paper. Then, they cut and pasted the stalk and leaf of the grapes. Lastly, the traced the message to their grandparents which is “I love you!” Hope you’ll like it dear grandparents of Aurora!

そして9月21日は敬老の日。おじいちゃん、おばあちゃんに感謝の気持ちを伝える日です。オーロラでは、ブドウのカードを作りました。まずはポンポンを使って自分の好きな色の絵具でブドウを彩ります。そしてハサミでブドウの葉っぱや茎を切り取り、貼り付けます。最後に「I Love You」と大好きなおじいちゃんおばあちゃんに気持ちを込めてトレーシング。

Finally, the most awaited event for this month has come! Sporst Festival! We want to thank all parents for coming and joining us for this event. Thank you so much! For Aurora, that was really fantastic! You all did a great job in singing, dancing, and running! High five everyone!



That’s it! Have a nice weekend and see you on Monday!


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