
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Happy New Year! (Milky Way)

This is our first week in school for this new year. Everyone is refreshed and energized from their winter break. The students shared their adventures last holiday, and all of them had fun stories to tell! It’s nice to know that they enjoyed their vacation.


To commemorate the new year we made our 2021 special hats! We used different craft materials to create artistic pieces. All of their hats are so unique and creative! They even wrote down on their hats what they want to do this 2021. We are looking forward to a fun and exciting year ahead.


This week we also had our first gym class of the year. It was kind of cold inside the gym, but it did not bother us because everyone was so active! The students had so much fun running with their friends and practicing with the jump rope. We also did some stretching and some fun exercises that could help us to be physically healthy.


We also had our End of Unit Reflection this week. Our class is already preparing for the last unit of the school year, which is Unit 4, but before that, we need to make sure that the students understood the concepts that we tackled in Unit 3. We also took notes of students’ favorite activities for our unit on Celebrations, and most of them mentioned that they enjoyed our Year-end party and planning for their own celebration. Overall, our Celebration Unit was a success! It was fun, and the students get to express their creative side. Next week, we are starting our last unit for the school year, and we cannot wait to dig in!



Thank you for reading our blog. Enjoy the long weekend! Keep safe.


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