
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Soccer, fitness and big stadiums

This week we had the pleasure of visiting the Yamaga Soccer Club office in Kotobuki, and the Yamaga Soccer Stadium near the Matsumoto Airport. We asked the Yamaga Club Manager a lot of questions and we took lots of notes. Everyone found the experience very interesting. Visiting the Yamaga Stadium, students were truly amazed to see that it was so big and most of us had never been to a real stadium before. There was certainly many things to learn about the occupation of a professional soccer player. We even sat in the players’ box where the players sit just before they go onto the field to play. The grass too was so soft and green and we found our that it takes a lot of people to look after such a beautiful soccer field.
Following our transdisciplinary theme, “Where we are in place and time” and our central idea, “Geography influences and how communities interact with their environment.”, students have chosen pictures of uninhabited islands that we might be able to live on. Our investigations have led us to consider which would be better, living by ourselves or living with other people who could help. We have also discussed in more depth the definition of “geography”: Geography is the study of the Earth’s surface – the land, the water and the weather. Geography is also the study of people – how they use the land and the living things on the land; how they use the water and the living things in the water; and how they use the weather.

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