





– スクールへの送迎は基本的にスクールバスをご利用して頂き、スクール周辺の道路での送迎による混雑を避けること。7時30分スクールは開園しますがお隣の三陽中学校の登校時間と重なっていることから、万が一車でお越しになるときは十分な注意が必要な事を保護者の皆様と確認すること。
– ご近所への配慮のための長野キャンパス駐車場のあり方について(16台収容可能)。
– 子供たちの、公共の体育館や公園の共同利用について。



On Thursday, September 20th, I have informed the Nagano City Board or Education that from next year, there will be students travelling to the ISN Matsumoto campuses from Nagano city.
Subsequently, ISN was recognized as an institution from the Nagano City Board of Education and the principals of Nagano City elementary schools. My assignment was to prepare a document for them, summarizing Matsumoto City and its possibilities. I would like to use this opportunity to thank them for their cooperation and support.

On Sunday, September 23, ISN held an information meeting with the residents of Nagakute district of Nagano city. Around 15-20 residents were gathered at the meeting. The following was discussed:

– For all transportation to and from the school, the school bus will be used in order to avoid congestion of the roads around the school. If some parents do decide to come by car, attention is necessary, since the school opening time of 7:30 overlaps with the opening time of the nearby Sanyou middle school.
– The school parking lot can accommodate up to 16 cars.
– The school will use Nagano city’s public parks and gyms together with the residents.

For now as well as in the future, I would like to maintain a positive relationship with the local people through all of the school’s activities.

TOP / 代表ブログ / 2018年度長野市教育委員会、長野市地元説明会