
Gojo Elementary School


Grade 6: Into the Future

Hi, friends! Another beautiful, sunny weekend is behind us. Grade 6 students used every break time they could to go outside and enjoy some fresh air! We hope you all got some sun in as well!🌳

We are almost at the finish line of the school year! The students have been preparing for their Graduation Ceremony and we have been finishing our last Unit of Inquiry of the school year. This week, the students have been discussing technologies of the future, like virtual and augmented reality and how they can be used for fun, but also applied in education, medicine and science. 💡

We also looked back on the development of technology throughout history and deduced that people always used their ideas to solve certain problems. This led us to identifying problems in our own loves and thinking of possible future technologies that would solve them. Two students worked on a problem of travelling time being too long, and presented the ideas of a personal teleporter and a flying car modelled like a miniature airplane, while another one worked on a personal spice machine that would battle the issue of him not liking the school lunch enough. Let’s hope these become a reality in the future. 🚀

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