
Nagano Preschool


Picking up the threads- Nagano Shooting Star, Milky Way (Aug. 17th-20th)

After the holidays, it was nice to catch up with one another. Everyone told us what they did during the holidays. Some went swimming, others went camping, while the others stayed home.


UOI: Functions of Buildings in our Community

Picking up the threads of our discussion, we recalled the functions of buildings around our community namely for living, making things, helping people, and buying and selling. Still, they could remember the places we went to and the buildings we talked about before the start of our summer vacation.


After our discussion, we played charades where they had to draw paper with buildings written on it. One of them had to act what people do in that building while the others guessed which building it was.

建物についての話し合いの後に、アクションゲームをしました🤭 アクションゲームとは1人のお友達が建物の名前が書いてある紙を周りに見えないように1つ引き、そこに書いてある建物は何かを周りのお友達が当てるゲームです。出題するお友達は声を出してはいけないので、ジェスチャーのみで周りにどう伝えるかキー🔑になりました。

For our formative assessment, we had jigsaw puzzles of buildings, solved them, and identified the function of each building. The kids were so happy every time they solved one and excited for another set of puzzles. They were able to determine the function of each building.


Craft: Pull, Whirl, Pull!

This week’s craft was fun and took us a lot of practice before we could make it whirl. We call it whirligig spinner. We used two cups taped with one another, a string, some coloring materials, and colorful tapes. For it to work, we had to insert the string through the holes, twirl the string in our hands winding it up, and then gently tug on either end to make it whirl/ spin. It was great!

今週のクラフトは遊ぶ前にたくさんの練習が必要なおもちゃ作りをしました❣ ブンブンゴマ作りです😁 ゼリーのカップを2つ用意し、ペンとマスキングテープでデコレーション🖍そしてカップの真ん中の穴に毛糸を通して2つのカップを繋げたら完成❣❣ さて、どうやってコマを巻いていけるでしょう❓ 先生のお手本を真似して巻くことは出来ましたが、引っ張るタイミングを掴むのが少し難しかったですね😳でも、諦めないのがShooting Star, Milky Wayのお友達です❣ ジャンプをしながら巻いて、引くときは脚も同時に開いたりと、体全体で感覚を覚えてるお友達もいました😁😆 何度か練習を積み重ねていくうちに、みなさん上手に遊べるようになりました😍

Phonics: Bilabial sounds and Magic e

We love chanting while changing the first letter of our names to B, P, and F. We made the sounds of those letter and introduced the letters that form their sounds by using both our lips pressed together to make a sound like B and P. We thought of words that start with B and P. Aside from that, we also continued discussing magic e.


TOP / Nagano Preschool / Milky Way / Picking up the threads- Nagano Shooting Star, Milky Way (Aug. 17th-20th)