
Shimauchi Preschool


Goodbye our dear friend, and the year 2021! RF 12/24

One of the most difficult things in life is probably saying goodbye to a close friend. As this year comes to an end, we are also bidding farewell to one of our dearest friends. He will be greatly missed by all of us for sure! We hope all the best for him and his family! 


The children had a blast at the Year-End Sumikko Gurashi party that they had helped plan. Days after the party, the children were still talking about it and we saw them continue the party in some way during the free play. They talked about their favorite parts in the party and some said they would like to have a similar party in the future at home. We hope the children take away what they have learned through this experience and have a chance to practice these skills in the future. 


Right after the winter show, the children have started to practice for the graduation performance. We look forward to have more fun together after the holidays. 


What is better than to have more free-play time after all the hard work the children have put in the past 3 months! Now it is time to do what they truly love, to be able to create crafts/projects together! The ideas never will run short when they have each other to inspire!


We have come to the end of Unit 3 in our UOI journey. The children reflected on what they have learned in the past three months on the central idea of celebration.  At the moment, It seems like such a vast concept to grasp, some got it, some are still in the process of making sense of all these inputs. No matter what steps/stages the children are at, we know that someday it will all make sense. They will remember the happy times, the excitement of learning something new, and when the light-bulb moment happens it will all come full circle. 
As Christmas approaches, the children took some time during the writing lesson to write down their wishes on the letters to Santa. They are looking forward to leaving some cookies, cakes, snacks, and milk for Santa along with the letters they have written. We wish all their wishes come true and enjoy a joyful Christmas with their families. 

UOI の旅もUnit 3 が終了しました。子どもたちは、この3ヶ月で学んだ「お祝い」の中心的な考え方を振り返りました。 今現在、この概念はとても大きく、理解できた子もいれば、まだ理解できていない子もいます。子どもたちがどのような段階にいようと、いつかすべてが理解できるようになることを私たちは知っています。楽しい時間、新しいことを学んだ興奮を思い出し、光明が差す瞬間には、すべてが丸く収まるのです。

Last but not least, we had an End-of-Year cleaning day. The children worked together to clean their cubbies, the shelves, toy bins, and they scrubbed the tables and chairs.  What a job well done!! The most interesting thing is to hear the children comment “We like cleaning! It is so much fun! Let’s do it again!” 

最後に、今週は年末の大掃除もしました。子どもたちは力を合わせて、教室や棚、おもちゃ箱をきれいにし、テーブルや椅子も磨きました。 本当によく頑張りました。子どもたちから「大掃除大好き!大掃除楽しい!またやりたい!」という声が沢山聞こえてきたことが、何より嬉しかったです。

We wish all the families a safe and joyful holiday season and we will see you in 2022! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! 


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