
Shimauchi Preschool


Staying active despite the chilling weather RF 11/26

The children didn’t learn real teamwork until they experienced jumping rope altogether simultaneously! It was almost impossible to do the continuous synchronized jump with just a few children. However, the whole class took on the challenge and after several tries, they finally mastered the skill! It was an amazing sight to see! Great job everyone! 


Despite the chilling weather, the children loved playing outside. Although this week we didn’t have much chance to visit the parks due to morning severe weather conditions, the children got to run around playing tag in the yard. With the colder weather in the forecast for next month, we are hoping we can at least get some sunny days to be outside for a short while or have the chance to walk to the parks. While indoor, children continued to have fun by making 3D projects using the recyclable items their friends have brought. Thank you so much for the donations! 


Children continue to sharpen up their math addition skills while they learn the subtractions simultaneously. Addition was easy for them, however, when they think in terms of taking away things, the subtraction concept could take them a while to grasp. It was especially encouraging when we hear a lot of feedback of “I love math”, or “I love doing additions”!  Some even chose to work with their math journals or math activities during quiet activity time.

子どもたちは、算数の足し算のスキルを磨きながら、同時に引き算も学んでいきます。足し算はみんなにとって簡単だったようですが、引き算の概念を理解するのには時間がかかることがありました。それでも、「算数が好き」「足し算をするのが好き」という声をたくさん聞くことができ、とても嬉しいです。 休み時間には、自分から進んで算数を学ぶ姿もありました。

In phonics, children have been learning about decoding and taking apart longer words by looking at the word endings. They are noticing some words have the same letter endings that make the same sounds. During the exercise time, they practiced how to piece together the beginning sounds and ending word parts to create words. These are challenging but rewarding once they get the hang of it. Many enjoy working with their peers to come up with words. 


As we introduced the Jewish celebration of Hanukkah, we made a connection between this holiday and how it is similar to Diwali since they are both known as the festival of light. This week we also wrapped up our last celebration by introducing the American holiday of Thanksgiving since it coincided well with the Thanksgiving holiday that happens this week on November 25 to 28. Children learned of the purpose of the celebration, its symbol and traditions. They also made Thanksgiving cards for those who they want to give thanks to, as well as, giving their friends a “turkey card” with a pencil to show how much they appreciate each other.


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Rainforest / Staying active despite the chilling weather RF 11/26