
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Dia de la Mascarada (Milky Way)

We had a short yet fun time in the Milky Way class this week. The students are trying their best to be more organized with the things in their lockers. Since the cold season has already begun, our thick jackets are taking a lot of space in our lockers. The students are getting better at making sure that their personal space is always tidy.



In Math, the students are getting better at adding numbers. This week we focused on adding numbers with the sum of up to 20. The students used their skills in base ten to make it easier for them to add bigger numbers. For some of them, this strategy is still challenging, but with enough practice, for sure they will be good at this as well.


This week was also extra special because we had a resource speaker who talked about a celebration that is unique to his home country. Mr. Harrold, who is originally from Costa Rica, talked about a celebration called Dia de la Mascarada, which in English translates to Day of the Masquerade. This is Costa Rica’s style of dressing up on October 31st. The most common tradition during this celebration is mask-making. People in Costa Rica make masks inspired by different characters, but the four most common ones are called El Gobernador, El Pisuicas, La Giganta, and La Pelona. The Milky Way kids chose one mask from these four characters, and we danced around the classroom wearing them. It was such an exciting and fun day for all of us.

UOIレッスンではゲストの先生を迎えて、その方の出身国独特の「お祝い」を紹介していただきました!コスタリカ出身のハロルドさんによる、 Dia de la Mascarada (マスカレードの日)というお祝いの紹介をお聞きしました。このお祝いは10月31日に仮装をして行うお祝いで、独特なマスクを作るのが伝統だそうです。コスタリカの方々は色々なキャラクターを元に創られたマスクを作りますが、その中でも代表的なものは、 El Gobernador、 El Pisuicas、La Giganta、La Pelona です。ミルキーウェイのみんなはこの中からひとつ自分の好きなマスクを選んで、事前に色を塗って準備をしました。当日はお家から持ってきた大きなTシャツとこのマスクを着て、みんなでダンスをしました!初めて見るダンスや、ダンスをしている方たちの面白い恰好に興味深々の子ども達。Tシャツの袖から腕を抜き、手でマスクを持ちながらするダンスもとっても楽しめました。保護者の皆様、Tシャツをご準備していただいてありがとうございました。


Thank you for reading our blog! Until next time!


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Milky Way / Dia de la Mascarada (Milky Way)